Problem Purchasing iPhantom : Your Purchase Could Not Be Completed

Problem Purchasing iPhantom

If the error you are receiving is:

Your Purchase Could Not Be Completed
For assistance, contact iTunes Support at

This problem is a results of apple fraud protection. The only way to solve the issue to to contact apple.

The quickest way to a solution is to use chat or callback option. And explain to them that your transaction is failing when attempting to purchase the iPhantom In-App Purchase and you believe it is a result of Apple’s advanced fraud prevention because other clients have had this same problem when making the iPhantom purchase. They should be able to unlock your account within minutes.

1) Got to web page:
2) From this “Contact Apple Support” page choose “iTunes & Apple Music”
3) On the page “iTunes & Apple Music” choose “iTunes Store”
4) On the page “What’s Happening with your iTunes?” choose “Connecting and Downloading”
5) On the page “Connecting and Downloading” choose “Connecting to the iTunes Store with computer, device or Apple TV”
5) On the page “How would you like to get help” choose “Chat” or “Talk to Apple Support Now”
6) After this, the chat should start in less than 2 minutes, or receive a callback in 5 minutes or less.