
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

1) When was iPhantom Released?
iPhantom was officially released on April 13th, 2015 at NAB in Las Vegas

2) What do I need to make it work?
You need an iOS device with IOS 8 or later, a Phantom camera by Vision Research, a Phantom network cable for you camera, a Wi-Fi router/access point

3) What iOS devices are supported?
iPhantom has been tested on iPhone 4 and newer, iPod Touch 5, and iPad 2 and newer.

4) What iOS Version does it work on?
iOS 7 and newer

4) What Phantom cameras does this work on?
All Phantom Cameras are supported.  It’s been heavily tested, and is used by many clients on Flex 4K, Flex 2K, and Miro M cameras.  It’s verified to work on v2511, v642, v10.

5) What is the range?
Range depends on many factors:  The router used; location conditions including interfere caused by other Wi-Fi networks in the area or RF devices;  Line of sight.  Our standard configuration uses a very compact internal antenna based router, and in typical conditions has a range of about 40ft.

5b) How can I get the best range?
i) To maximize your range you want direct line of site between the camera mounted router and your iOS device.  Anything blocking the signal path will decrease range.
ii) Water kills wifi.  It will not work in underwater housings.
iii) The human body is mostly water.  In hand held scenarios, especially when cradling the camera, a camera operator can block much of wifi signal.
iv) Place the camera mounted router as high as possible, on top of the camera, and away from other RF sources if possible.  If you mount the router on the side of the camera, the camera itself will block the signal on from traveling to the opposite side, greatly reduce the range in one direction.

You can find plates here.

6) Can I get longer range?
Yes.  We are planning a test of several external antenna based solutions and will report back with an update soon.

7) What router do you recommend?
Currently we use the TP-LINK TL-WR803N, and Gl.Net GL-AR750S (VEO4K Compatible) because of their compact size and wide availability.  See the iPhantom Accessory page for pre-configured plug and play router kits based on these routers.

7) What are the Recommend Router Settings?
The recommend router setup
1) Router IP Address:
1b) Router Subnet Mask:
2) Enable DHCP
2b) DHCP Range to
3) Secure your Wifi Network with a password

8) I’m getting the error “Your Purchase Could Not Be Completed” while attempting to purchase iPhantom
See this page for the solution:

9) I can’t connect to my VEO4K
VEO4K supports only gigabit or faster connection. The preconfigured TP-Link are not compatible.   There is now available a Gl.Net router, the GL-AR750S that is compatible.  We have those available preconfigured as well. The Teradek COLR (however see note below about newer COLR units) is also compatible.  VRI will be officially supporting a USB-Wifi adapter but to date has note made an official announcement.

Adapters known to work.

1) Gl.Net GL-AR750S – available preconfigured here

2) USB Router Support built into VEO4K Firmware
i) The camera must be booted with the wifi adapter installed.
ii) Connect to the wifi network which will show up as the camera name – something like “Phantom VEO4K 21410”
iii) There is a password on the network – the password for all cameras is:
iv) Open the app and hit the “Detect IP” on the main iPhantom page and the camera should be detected.

3) Teradek COLR ****newer versions and COLR duo may have problems with Flex4K
i)Must enable Camera Link in the COLR Web UI Setup
**** It’s been reported that COLR duo and newer COLR Units may have a hardware compatibility issue when using with Flex4K, and perhaps other Phantom Cameras.

10) How many devices does my license allow me to install iPhantom on?
Please see out terms of use page.

11) Teradek COLR DUO and COLR
i) Older units are known to work with Phantom Cameras
ii) Newer units are KNOWN TO NOT WORK with some Phantom Cameras, at this point details are limited.
iii) From what we can tell this is due to possible updated hardware controller in newer COLR, there is a hardware incompatibility between networking chipsets with the Phantom Camera.  This is currently being investigated, and an update will be posted upon any findings.  Currently as of Sept 3rd 2019, COLR compatibility with Phantom will be hit or miss depending on the date of your COLR unit.  If you do not see “Connected” in camera link and/or the network lights blinking on the camera and the COLR then the combo you have will not work.