Beta Documentation
iPhantomControl Beta Tester Documentation
Notes for beta testers:
What I want from you.
Feedback.. Any feedback, any thoughts. If you think it, say it. If it’s just a thought just give me a thought, as the combination of all thoughts and ideas can only make this software better.
0) Functionality/Layout/Beauty: Up to this point functionality and functional layout is the only concern, but beauty will come. So, yes please.. Any and all input is greatly appreciated and valued, so please give me you’re feedback/thoughts/suggestions as everything is valid and will be considered. however I will be working primarily on functionality and layout first. Then beautification.
Help answer if you can?
1) Math used to obtain GB used and GB Free on a cinemag or CF is not consistent per camera. It appears to range anywhere from 980-1000 bytes per KB to be consistent with on screen display. I currently just use 1000 so the values are an approximation, but should be within the range of usable.
2) Changing OSD while playing back from a CineMag clip causes a change in gamma of playback. Do you see this?
Tested and working on, at least it was at some point.. 🙂
Phantom Flex 4K
Phantom Flex 2K
Phantom V712
Phantom Miro
any camera using the PH7 or PH16 telnet protocol should work, but have not been tested. Please contact me to discuss.
Quick Start:
This is a tab based application. Currently with 5 Tabs. Record, Playback, Settings, Test, Info
1) Establish a connection to your phantom camera
i) Setup Router as described below
ii) Connect your IDevice to the wifi router
iii) Launch iPhantom and go to the settings tab
iv) hit “AutoDetect Camera” at the bottom of the page. The IP address of your camera should be detected and prompt you to connect. Accept
2) Upon successful connection the settings values will be filled with your current cameras settings.
3) Record/Playback/Settings tabs should be self explanatory
4) Test
i) Send Telnet Commands
ii) View/Email Log file to help debug non working issues
iii) access Documentation
iv) Advanced – These are the destructive commands
a) partition
1) Phantom 4K and Miro for partitioning RAM
2) enter the number of part ions and hit partition. empty is the same as 1
b) alloc
– not implemented but will work as partition for Phantom 2K and other PH7 cameras
c) Format cineFlash for Miro
d) Format cineMag
5) Another Test page current with random info that may or may not be valid for your camera
1) Wireless Connection
a) Phantom Network Cable
b )Wifi Router
c) Router Settings
IP Address
DHCP Range
2) Wired Connection – in development
a) iPhantomControl Lightning to Serial Cable
b) iPhantomControl Serial to Phantom Cable
c) optional Serial Extension Cable for Longer Runs
Functionality Notes:
Most items should be straight forward.
1) When entering the playback tab, it will always default to playing back the first ram cine. If you leave during cinema playback, cinema playback will continue, until you arm or reenter the playback tab at which point ram 1 will playback if it exists..
2) If you change in/out points while saving a mag, those in/out points will be save in your meta. You can also theoretically change in/out meta points while playing back from a cinemag. For this reason I’ve disable the ability to mark in/out while playing back from a cinema. In both events the actual saved data is what you originally saved. Only the meta regarding playback or point of interest is modified.
Please send feedback/requests/questions to: