To get your Phantom Camera Connect to a wifi you will need a router/access point.
1) Wifi Router/Access Points
While almost any wifi router/access point can be use, we currently offer two different TP-LINK as pre-setup router kits for plug and play connection. You may also follow the guided setup below if you already own or want to purchase one of these routers locally.
The two models are:
2) TP-LINK TL-MR3040
If you purchase one of our pre-setup router kits. Simply plug the router into your Phantom. Power the router. Connect your iOS device to the routers Wi-Fi network. Open iPhantom. Hit “Detect Ip” button on the record page.
Router Setup Instructions:
1) A TP-Link TL-WR702N or TP-LINK TL-MR3040 equivalent
2) A a computer with an ethernet port setup to use DHCP (which is generally the default for all Ethernet ports)
3) An ethernet cable (included with both TP-Links)
1) Plug the TP-Link using the included ethernet cat-5 cable into your computer. Use the included USB cable to power the TP-LINK by plugging the opposing end into an available USB port on your computer or using the ACtoUSB power supply included with the TP-Link
2) Open a web browser and type into your address bar.
2b) Authenticate using the default username: admin, and password: admin.. yes admin for both username and password.
3) Navigate tot the Network->LAN page and update your settings as follows..
Address-Type: Static-IP
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
3) Click Save Button
3b) Click Reboot
4) After about 30-60 seconds… Reconnect to the router.. Type into your browser bar and login with the same admin admin username and password as above
5) Go to Advanced->DHCP and change the following settings
DHCP Server : enabled
Start IP Address :
End IP Address :
6) Save
7) Disconnect the router from the computer, and power source. The router is now ready for use with iPhantom.
8) Connect your iPhone to the TP-LINK using the password printed on the bottom of the router.